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Went to a funeral…
Lost your right to vote.

Could that actually happen?

If you work in the construction industry, yes.

 When Demo Georgakakos lost his father, he and his family went to Greece to attend the funeral. Once they returned home, Demo learned that the construction company he worked for had been served an application for union certification. And because he was away from work that particular day — even though he had been a devoted employee for years — the rules did not allow his voice to be heard.

Why aren’t all
construction workers

given a say?

In Nova Scotia construction, a secret ballot vote on union certification rarely happens. Workers dont get a chance to fully understand both perspectives of YES or NO. And in Demos case, he never had a say in the first place.

It means tradespeople — even long-term employees — that are out sick, on vacation, or away for any reason at all, are left out from having a say on their futures.

Under certain conditions, union certification is automatic in construction. Take a construction company that employs 20 electricians. Its a Friday, work is light and a long weekend is coming. Only three out of twenty are actually working that day. The employer is served with an application for certification. The other seventeen that did not work that day have no say and most likely no vote. Is that fair?


In a democracy, shouldn’t every worker

be allowed to have their say?

Construction workers across Nova Scotia deserve to be treated fairly, like their family, friends and neighbours that work in every other industry in this province. It is time to be fair.

Let’s all speak up for a
democratic workplace.

If you think every employee deserves to have their voice heard, follow and share the message.

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